One Year Later: A Look Back At Brand New Cherry Flavor

When I first heard Netflix was adapting Todd Grimson’s novel Brand New Cherry Flavor, I was pretty intrigued. While I have not read the novel I think the concept of it alone reminded me of some of my favorite parts from various films I like. After doing some cursory research, it seems like this adaptation takes […]

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Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me Is A H-H-Holmesrun

The first game from Supermassive Games I had heard of was Until Dawn. From that point, I followed the game developer very closely. While cinematic games weren’t a new thing, Supermassive took the trend of games like Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls and made the idea of cinematic games feel fresh. After Until Dawn, Supermassive, for me, would really […]

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Black Friday: Your New Post-Turkey Movie

‘Tis the season to watch horror! Some people say it’s time to move on to Thanksgiving and Christmas, I say, this is just the Halloween afterparty. While Christmas has tons of genre films to fill the airways, Thanksgiving seemingly has fallen by the wayside. There are a handful of films like two entries in Blumhouse’s […]

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American Horror Story: NYC “Requiem 1981/1987: Part 1 and Part 2” (S11 E9&10)

The final two episodes of American Horror Story: NYC have graced Hulu, which means it’s time for me to make this the third, or maybe fourth, fully completed season of AHS. This season had its ups and downs, seemingly more flaws than not, but there was something (besides an obligation to cover it) that kept me coming […]

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Audio Horror Done Right In Monkeypaw Production’s Quiet Part Loud

Horror fiction podcasts were a huge part of my life when I had a job that required me to drive multiple hours a day nearly every day of the week. I would listen to NoSleep, or The Magnus Archives, and my personal favorite, The Black Tapes, until my coworkers refused to let me take the aux chord. […]

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