American Horror Story: NYC “The Sentinel” and “Fire Island” (S11 E7&8)

Trigger warning: This article has references to sexual violence. Pardon my crassness as I am not going to try and think of some catchy intro here because I want to jump right into a new possible theory I have before we get to the chunk of these two episodes. As with the majority of my […]

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Ranking Every Episode In Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities

Hot take: I am not a huge fan of Guillermo del Toro. His work is not terrible by any means, but there seems to be a disconnect between the ideas in his head and how he projects those images on screen. He is without a doubt a competent director, I just find it difficult to […]

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American Horror Story: NYC “Bad Fortune” and “The Body” (S11 E5&6)

It’s that time of the season when American Horror Story has its make or break for me. With nearly every season of American Horror Story, this is the part where I usually tap out. Thankfully, taking on coverage for this series affords me the task of needing to finish a season. The seasons may get better towards […]

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