American Horror Story: NYC “Bad Fortune” and “The Body” (S11 E5&6)

It’s that time of the season when American Horror Story has its make or break for me. With nearly every season of American Horror Story, this is the part where I usually tap out. Thankfully, taking on coverage for this series affords me the task of needing to finish a season. The seasons may get better towards […]

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American Horror Story: NYC “Smoke Signals” and “Blackout” (S11 E3&4)

American Horror Story: NYC started off fairly strong with two fairly tense episodes of murder and mayhem, death, and disease. Taking a step back and looking at the first two episodes, I realized I think I completely missed the allegory that lies right under the surface. If you watched the first two episodes you witnessed […]

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Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2022: Influencer, Flowing, Megalomaniac

As quick as it was here, it is gone. Another fun, freaky, and fascinating year for the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival. I have stated endless times this is one of my all-time favorite film festivals and this year definitely furthered that thought. It doesn’t ever feel like spooky season until BHFF comes around, I just […]

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Jonbenét, Twin Peaks, and Bad Photoshop: A Look Back on Lake Mungo

Editor’s note: All throughout October, the vibes get spookier and the nights get longer. It’s the perfect time of year to watch horror movies, whether you’re a year-round horror fan or you just like to watch horror flicks to get into the Halloween spirit. This year at Horror Obsessive, for our 31 Horror Classics Revisited […]

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Brooklyn Horror Film Festival 2022: Mother Superior, Old Flame, Mother, May I? And Repulse

I’ve probably said this before, but one of the best things about getting to opportunity to partake in film festivals is not just about getting to watch a bunch of dope films before other people, it’s getting to see films that would probably not get advertised or promoted here in the states. That’s what is […]

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